Products - Sapori d'Ithalia

Charlotte, North Carolina
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Juice Plus+ and Tower Garden
Our family's way to add more plants in our every day diet!
Whole foods, functional food nutrition ad real organic plants to grow in our own home
I truly believe in the power of plants. My interest in preferring a plant-based diet started when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors suggested her to avoid animal products because they are literally food for the cancer, and I started looking into more recipes to share with her and into all the magnific proprieties of plants. After a couple of years I started working for a company that sells phytotherapic remedies to treat or prevent diseases and that opened my eyes to the holistic approach in the healing process. Those are the basics that I keep in our family lifestyle, in my personal chef business and that I’m willing to share with the biggest number of people possible. My goal is to share and inform how plants can help us leave longer and feel better. Juice Plus+ came into our lives in the perfect moment because I was trying to make my picky toddler and my new baby to eat more plants every day. It is helping them to have more plants variety, less sickness and trying new foods and it’s helping us, parents, to have more energy, less sickness as well and a new purpose.

I’m here to help your family thrive. It doesn’t matter if you are a meat lover, a vegetarian, a pro plant-based person, what matters is to be consistent in introducing as many plants as possible in our bodies and Juice Plus+ helps us to eat more than 30 fruits and vegetables daily. Let’s discover together how easy it is.
Juice Plus+ capsules

Juice Plus+ Chewables
Complete by Juice Plus+
Juice Plus+ Perform
Healty Starts program for families
Children age 4-25 can eat Juice Plus+ for FREE!
Click on "Buy Now" and discover how!
Tower Garden Home
Thalia Percic, Personal Chef
Charlotte, NC
(980) 337-0581

Copyright © 2021 Sapori d'Ithalia. All rights reserved.

Thalia Percic, Personal Chef
Charlotte, NC
(980) 337-0581

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